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Robert Lansdorp Video Analysis
Want to sign up or have more questions?
You will send this video to TennisONE--we'll let you know if it meets the
specs for the analysis, and then we will schedule your personal analysis
with Robert. Robert will review your tape in detail, twice, going over the
basics and the nuances of every stroke on a frame by frame basis. He will
then film a detailed response.
This response will include an overview of your game and then a stroke by
stroke analysis. It will include demonstrations of his famous corrective
techniques matched specifically to your game for every stroke. Your return
tape will be 45 minutes to an hour in length. Truly it will become a
lesson for life.
After you have reviewed your tape, you will receive two follow up phone consultations with Robert (consultations included with package).
Players and families pay thousands of dollars to fly to California and
work with Robert--if they are lucky enough to get time in his schedule.
Now you can have the same benefit as a week or more of on court lessons
for a fraction of the cost. You can pay in any way you like, either
directly to Robert or through a credit card on TennisONE.
At present Robert is accepting no more than 2 video analyzes per month.
Depending on his schedule, it can take up to 2-4 weeks for Robert to
complete and return your personal lesson tape. Don't worry it's worth it.
To begin the process of scheduling your analysis--or if you have further
questions--write Robert here at TennisONE (RLansdorp@TennisONE.com).
We will get back to you with his answers and with whatever information you
may need.
Last Updated 5/15/02. To contact us, please email to: webmaster@tennisone.com
TennisONE is a registered trademark of TennisONE and SportsWeb ONE; Copyright 1995. All rights reserved.