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Psychological Performance Enhancement for Athletes and Coaches

Dr. Roland A. Carlstedt, a board certified Sport Psychologist offers athletes the opportunity to experience and learn cutting-edge methods in mental training

His methods are based on award winning and peer-reviewed research involving hundreds of athletes from 7 major sports including tennis.  


The Carlstedt Protocol focuses heavily on mind-body processes that can be measured, especially Heart Rate Variability and Biofeedback. Dr. Carlstedt’s techniques provide a window into the  subconscious and help an athlete manipulate and regulate states of concentration, intensity, and thought processes. He has also developed neuropsychological methods for manipulating brain states associated with enhanced performance. His techniques will help you enter the ZONE more readily to achieve PEAK PERFORMANCE. 

Dr. Carlstedt’s protocol goes well beyond what is offered in Sport Psychology today. His system is an objective method for analyzing an athlete’s psychological profile and tendencies, and importantly, for accurately assessing the effects of his and other forms of mental training on YOU.

The Protocol Involves:

1. Comprehensive assessment of important psychological and behavioral traits and tendencies. This can be done independently.
2. Psychophysiological assessment focusing on Heart Rate Variability.
3. Complete analysis of psychophysiology during actual real competition and training.
4. Customized protocol centering on Biofeedback for learning how to enter the ZONE at will.
5. Learning mental training techniques that can be used alone by an athlete once Biofeedback goals have been achieved or learned.
6. Access to continual follow-up sessions and data analysis.







Consultation by Telephone $30.00 half-hour $50.00 full-hour

All Athletes Should Experience The Carlstedt Protocol. Coaches and Teaching Professionals can learn this Protocol as part of the Certified and Master Coach of Sport Psychology programs of the American Board of Sport Psychology. Dr. Carlstedt is also available as a consultant to tennis schools, clubs, and coaches. 

For further information contact: DrRCarlstedt@aol.com or visit: www.americanboardofsportpsychology.org or call  +1 917-680-3994

ABOUT Dr. Roland A. Carlstedt

Dr. Roland A. Carlstedt, a Board Certified Sport Psychologist and Tennis Coach earned his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Psychology from Saybrook Graduate School (with emphases in health and sport psychology and psychophysiology) in San Francisco under the renowned Personality Psychologist and Behavioral Geneticist Dr. Auke Tellegen of the University of Minnesota. He is listed in the American Psychological Associations Directory of Experts in Sport Psychology.

Roland's dissertation on neuropsychological processes in highly skilled athletes (700) from 7 sports (tennis, baseball, softball, basketball, golf, volleyball, and track and field) is being nominated for the Division 47 of the APA-Sport Psychology and the Society of Neuroscience's Annual awards for best dissertation in Behavioral Neuroscience. His Master's thesis was on psychologically mediated heart rate variability during tournament tennis has been accepted for publication in BIOFEEDBACK a peer-reviewed publication. He also has five other articles in the review process for publication in scientific journals.

Dr. Carlstedt is well known in Europe where he lived most of his adult life. While based in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, Roland worked on the professional tennis tours as a coach, sport psychologist and analyst for the media from 1985-1997. He still has an active presence and practice there as a sport psychologist. He has provided psychological analyses and features for television at all Grand Slam events, including EuroSport, ARD Germany, RTL, Germany, ZDF, Germany, and RTL, Holland.

Roland is a published author and columnist in more than 40 countries. His instructional series on tennis and tennis psychology have appeared in major tennis publications worldwide. His book "Mentales Tennis" (SportInform Verlag, 1995) and Video "PsychoTennis" are available in Europe.

 Dr. Carlstedt has coached and advised numerous top professional athletes and coaches and has consulted with hundreds of athletes and coaches in Sport Psychology seminars and presentations worldwide, including Spanish, German, and Austrian Tennis Federation annual tennis coaches symposia. He has also advised over 50 coaches of NCAA college level I, II, and III teams. 

He also played professional team tennis in Austria and Germany and was certified by the USPTR in 1976 and inducted into the ATP coaches division in 1986.

Last Updated 11/1/01. To contact us, please email to: webmaster@tennisone.com

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