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Allen Fox, TennisONE's Special Contributing Editor

Tennis Playing Career

  • Winner NCAA Singles (1961) and NCAA Doubles (1962)
  • Winner U.S. National Hardcourt Singles (1962)
  • Ranked among top ten men in USA five times (1961-1968)
  • Quarter-finalist at Wimbledon (1965)
  • Winner Canadian National Singles Championship (1966)
  • Winner Pacific Southwest Singles Championship (1966), defeating Grand Slam title-holders Roy Emerson, Fred Stolle, Tony Roche and Manuel Santana
  • Member of U.S. Davis Cup team in 1961, 1963, and 1966 Tournament victories over Arthur Ashe, Jimmy Connors, Stan Smith and John Newcombe

Coaching Career

  • Varsity tennis coach at Pepperdine University
    • Team reached NCAA finals twice, semi-finals three times and quarter-finals six times
    • Coached Pepperdine team members (now past or current touring professionals):
      • Brad Gilbert
      • Andrew Sznajder
      • Glen Michibata
      • Robbie Weiss (NCAA singles champion, 1988)

Broadcasting Career

  • Color commentator for national television broadcasts of tennis events on USA network, PBS and Prime Ticket Network.
  • Interviewed on various TV and radio programs as expert on competition psychology.
  • Hosted educational programs on ESPN and Disney Channel.

Academic Career

  • B.A., Physics, U.C.L.A.
  • Ph.D., Psychology, U.C.L.A.
  • Lecturer, California State University at Long Beach and Pepperdine University

Writing Career

Books Published:

  • "If I'm the Better Player, Why Can't I win?
  • "Think to Win"

Magazine Articles

  • Tennis, World Tennis, Racket, Tennis Week, Inside Tennis, Tennis Australia, USTA Sport's Science

To Order Allen Fox's Books or send email, click here

Last Updated 9/1/98. To contact us, please email to: webmaster@tennisone.com

TennisONE is a registered trademark of TennisONE and SportsWeb ONE; Copyright 1995. All rights reserved.

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