Jeff Greenwald
Jeff Greenwald
was ranked #1 in
the world in both singles and doubles in the men’s 35 age division and #1
in the United States in that age division by the International Tennis
Federation and the United States Tennis Association respectively in 2002.
In 1997, he was the #1 ranked tennis player in Northern California and
was named Player of the Year by the USTA. Earlier, Jeff earned a world
ranking as a touring professional (he is still ranked on the ATP
computer), competing in numerous tournaments on seven continents.
Jeff trained as a youth with John Austin and the late Tim Gullikson. He
continues to compete in professional tennis tournaments worldwide,
employing and testing the techniques and behavior patterns he teaches in
classrooms, boardrooms, and on the playing fields.
Jeff holds a Master's Degree in Clinical and Sports Psychology, is a
USPTA certified tennis professional, and is a member of the National
Speakers Association. He is the author of FearlessTennis: The 5 Mental
Keys to Unlocking Your Potential.
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