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Ruby Hill - 1998 Spring Tennis

Unforgettable golf, incomparable tennis.


Adult Instructional Program

Each class meets once a week.

The Adult Instructional Program includes:

Beginner – 2.0 These students are either just learning the game or have limited experience.

Primarily they are mostly working on just keeping the ball in play.

2.1-2.5 (advanced beginner) The student is learning to keep the ball in play, but needs to 7 different levels. Students are classified using the NTRP scale. The class instruction differs according to level. The following descriptions help the student choose the correct level:improve court positioning and consistency.

2.6-3.0 (lower intermediate) This student can play singles and doubles, but needs to improve net play and basic tactics.

3.1-3.5 (intermediate) This player has dependable strokes, but lacks depth and variety. This player lacks consistency when trying for power.

3.6-4.0 (advanced intermediate) This player is developing the use of lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys and is seldom out of position in singles or doubles.

4.1-4.5(advanced) – This player has begun to hit with power, spin, depth and control. The serve can be a weapon and he/she can move into a net position with some success in singles and doubles.

4.6 and up (tournament training) This player has good shot anticipation and frequently a weapon around which a game or strategy may be structured. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors on short balls. This player has generally mastered all of the major strokes and spins.

Schedule of Classes

Level Day Time Cost /mo. Male/Female/Mixed

Beginner Monday 9 AM $75 Mixed
Beginner Saturday 10 AM $75 Mixed
Adv. Beg Tuesday 9 AM $75 Female
Adv. Beg Monday 7 PM $75 Male
Adv. Beg Saturday 9 AM $75 Mixed
Adv.-Inter Wednesday 9AM $75 Female
Adv. -Inter Tuesday 10 PM $75 Mixed
Intermediate Thursday 11 AM $75 Female
Intermediate Thursday 7 PM $75 Male
Advanced Friday 9AM $75 Female
Advanced Friday 7PM $75 Male
Training/ Drills Saturday 9 AM $75 Female
Training/ Drills Tuesday 7 PM $75 Male


Registration Form

Name: Phone: Work:
Address Email Fax
Choice of class Member# NTRP


Fee Cash Check# Club Charge Account # Visa/MC

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