TennisOne Lessons
The Gambill Backhand
by Jim McLennan
- Gambill's stance is closed and his hips are coiled.
- Note also Gambill's bent right arm close to his body and his shoulders
turned nearly 45 degrees toward the back wall, away from the incoming ball.
This tight tucked coil provides Gambill with good turning power into his
backhand (angular momentum), but will not tranfer the kinetic energy of
the hips and shoulders into the all as cleanly as it could.
- Gambill is a bit off-balanced on his follow-through. Ideally, your
balance on the finish should be perfect, the head absolutely level, the
weight precisely on the front foot, and the follow-through along the line
of the shot and well away from the body.
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"Gambill vs Agassi Backhand" Lesson