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Private Lessons:
One-Handed Backhand Completion

by Scott Murphy

Note how Mark’s head has stayed rock solid still through the contact.  

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Hitting the ball on the rise is the ultimate expression of the ability to “lean on the ball.”  As you develop the key elements, experiment with trying to take the ball before the top of the bounce. This will help you establish a contact point that maximizes your leverage.  

Follow through is essential to the completion of the one-handed backhand. Even if the rest of the model is sound, if a player’s swing stops as he meets the ball, depth and control are generally sacrificed.

Assuming your contact range is consistent the next step should be to envision and perform the longest possible forward swing.

Mark finishes with the racket high, above eye level, and on edge. Note the arm is straight and the wrist locked.  

The key is to hit THROUGH the ball, not AT the ball. The length of the swing determines the end of the followthrough. The racket head should be somewhat past the hitting shoulder and on edge. The hitting hand should be above eye level with the wrist remaining locked.

The Role of the Non-Racquet Arm  

Lastly, it’s important to remember the critical role of the non-racket arm in one-handed backhand. Believe it or not it is as important as on the two handed version, even though it’s off the handle!  

The first role of the non-racket arm is to help support the racket right up until the moment the forward swing begins. Then, as the racket arm moves in the direction of the target, the non-racket arm moves simultaneously in the opposite direction. This movement of the non-racket arm keeps the shoulders from over-rotating, allowing the racket to move in a direct line toward the target.

Pete opposes his non racket arm away from the hit. It keeps his shoulders sideways, in line with the direction of the shot.  

I can’t stress the importance of this enough!  Keeping the plane of the shoulders as sideways to the net as possible is a must for one-handed backhanders, and the opposition of the non racket arm is the key to achieving this.




Sampras, Kuerten, Phillippousis, Haas, Rafter…only a few of the many talented players who use the one-handed backhand to great advantage. You have the key information and the images.  Now all you need is a lot of practice and you’re well on your way to a one-handed backhand like theirs.  

Patrick Rafter’s classic, compact, one-handed backhand drive.  





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Last Updated 1/15/01. To contact us, please email to: webmaster@tennisone.com

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