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August 15, 2003

You Talk

By Kim Shanley

To The TennisONE Community

For the last four months you've graciously listened to what I had to say. Now it's your time to talk.

We're in the midst of redesigning and rearchitecting the TennisONE site to add more dimensions to your TennisONE experience and to provide more value for becoming a member. To do a good job of that we need your input. So rather than spend the five minutes reading my newsletter this issue, I would ask you to go to our links below and fill out a short survey.

Members Survey: http://infopoll.net/live/surveys/s23068.htm

Non-Members Survey: http://infopoll.net/live/surveys/s23069.htm

Thanks in advance. Please click here to send your email directly to me.

Kim Shanley
President, TennisONE

If you are receiving the newsletter but haven't become a member yet, here's some good news. Now you can get a free one month membership! Click here for the details.

Current Features

"Advanced Foundation: Development of the Serve and the Volley," by Dave Smith

Dave Smith continues his discussion on how elementary teaching techniques can leave many players languishing at the bottom of the tennis ladder with little hope of advancing beyond the 3.0 or 3.5 level. Here Dave focuses on the serve and the volley and the core stroke patterns necessary for advancement.

"Face the Facts," by Corky Cramer

It’s the job of a teaching pro to effectively communicate if a student is going to obtain the desired result. This may require speaking in many languages. Here, Corky Cramer speaks in the language of racquet face. See why understanding racquet face language will make it easier to play the game.

"Designing a New Stroke," by Ray and Becky Brown

After watching highly ranked women's satellite players struggle against lower ranked moonballers, Ray and Becky Brown decided to take a proactive approach to combat this tactic. In the process, they developed a methodology for designing new strokes. In this article, they explain the method they have subsequently used to design a wide variety of new strokes for professional, amateur, and handicapped players.

Exclusively on TennisONE

ProStrokes: Roger Federer - Groundstrokes

He has one of the smoothest and most explosive games on the tour. His one-handed backhand is a model of technical perfection. You've requested him repeatedly, so here are Roger Federer's groundstrokes, part 1 in our ProStrokes portrait of this amazing young all court player.

Coming next week--Kim Clijsters' groundstrokes!

Racquet Research - The New Rankings are Here, by Wilmot McCutchen

TennisONE continues its revolutionary way for players to evaluate the bewildering number of racquets and exotic design features in the tennis market. Racquet Research is based on actual scientific measurements and goes beyond the claims of manufacturers, or even the subjective play test evaluations found in magazines. Check out the latest rankings and see how your racquet measures up.

"Advanced Foundation: Development of the Serve and the Volley," by Dave Smith

"Face the Facts," by Corky Cramer

"Designing a New Stroke" by Ray and Becky Brown

ProStrokes: Roger Federer - Groundstrokes

Racquet Research - The New Rankings are Here, by Wilmot McCutchen

Past Newsletters

Mental Intervention

The Ice Man Cometh

To Think or Not

To Think, Part II (5/15/03)

Holding a Lead (6/1/03)

Joy of Hitting (6/15/03)

Restore the Green World (71/03)

Let Go (7/15/03)

Gallwey and Alexander (8/1/03)

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