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Singles Strategy

When to Split Step When Serving?

By Monty Basnyat, TennisONE Associate Editor


When serving, when do I split step? When the opponent has hit or before?


One of the most important elements in a good serve and volley game is knowing how and when to execute the split step. As you can see from the photo below (see Dan Leon's complete lesson on the split step), the split step is the mini-step you take to slow your speed and balance your weight as you move forward to the net after your serve. The split step enables you to move laterally to either side in a balanced manner to cover your opponent's passing shots.

One of the keys to the split step is to land with your head and toes over your belly button in perfect balance. The other key is to move quickly through the split step like a Stefan Edberg. This is important because you want to hit your first volley as close to the net as you can while still maintaining your balance and control. That brings us to the final key to mastering the split step: timing. The server must learn to time the split step just before the opponent makes contact on the return. This allows the net rusher sufficient time to slow down, focus closely on the ball, and step in any direction to cover the passing shot.

It is a mistake to think you have to reach the service line before you split step. When you check step should be determined only by when your opponent is about to strike the ball.

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