TennisOne Lessons
The Agassi Forehand and the Figure 8
by Jack Broudy
- In one smooth, continuous motion, Andre takes the racket head back
in a semi-looping motion.
- To get the racket head below the ball, Andre drops the racket head
downward in a smooth, semi-circular motion.
- Before he begins the forward momentum, the racket head goes from its
low point (at the furthest point of the backswing) upwards in a smooth,
flowing stroke across the mid-point or axis of his body, with the racket
head ending up high over his left shoulder.
- Finally, to return to the ready position, the racket head moves down
and back to the mid-point of the body, completing the figure 8.
The first animation sequence will scan in slowly. Subsequent sequences
will be in slow motion and keep repeating. To stop the endless loop,
click on the "Back" button or option on your browser and go
back to your previous page. Back to Part
2 of the Secret Game of Tennis