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Effortless Tennis - Keys to Peak Performance

by Brent Zeller

Click photo to hear Brent explain the advantages of Effortless Tennis

My goal in 1974 was learning how to get and then stay “in the zone.” Twenty-eight years later it is still the focus of the Effortless Tennis Program. Playing “in the zone” is the only place to play. Peak performance is playing “in the zone;” they are synonymous.

The program I have pieced together from many different sources is based on what I have perceived to be the Keys to Peak Performance, thirteen areas that lead a player to achieving his/her potential, both on and off the court. These are the areas that we need to continue to work on our whole lives.

Thirteen Key Components

Many of these keys have been used by other teachers over the years, but many also take on new significance once competition has been removed from the learning process. The thirteen areas are:

  • joy
  • relaxation
  • concentration
  • patience
  • perseverance
  • self-motivation
  • cellular memory
  • hand/eye coordination
  • stroke mechanics
  • footwork
  • rhythm
  • breathing
  • confidence

These areas are the learning modules we are working on individually and collectively. This is where the learning process gets challenging. There is a lot to get together. The good part is that whatever you want to learn, these keys will apply.

Each of these areas has its own list of component parts that need to be mastered. If we needed to master only one of theses areas the difficulty factor would be much lower, but that is not the case. Individually, each module requires a lot of work, and when you combine all the modules, it takes years to integrate all the different elements. Each module is connected to all the other modules, and we play our best only when they are all integrated. This is why getting to the point where we are able to play consistently “in the zone,” takes a long time and a lot of play. Excelling is easy, it just takes a long time.


Getting people to feel joy while playing improves relaxation and performance levels immediately.

For a long time I have known that if we are to be successful, it is important to enjoy what we are doing. Over the last five years I have recognized that not only must we enjoy what we are doing, but what we are doing must make us joyful. Joy is essential for peak performance. So often in competition we get into associating joy with winning. We are joyful only after we have won the point, game, set, match, or championship.

Most people are not experiencing joy, or any other positive emotion while they are playing. I have seen few competitors who were joyful while they were playing, and virtually none after they have lost. What I am working on in Effortless Tennis is to, eventually, have players be able to experience joy as they are playing, and specifically while they are contacting the ball. The funny thing is that, because of the premature introduction of competition, few people are experiencing any positive emotion as they are contacting the ball. Competition has taken much of the joy out of the learning process and out of playing. It is time to put it back in.

Getting people to feel joy while playing changes everything. Relaxation and performance levels improve immediately. What I see so often is people trying so hard to focus that it looks like a great strain. We’ve all been told over and over that we must be serious to excel, that if we are having too much fun we are goofing off. The thing we must be is focused, not serious. There is a huge difference.

Not surprisingly, putting joy at the top of the peak performance list has brought a lot of joy to the program. People are having much more fun, even when they are not doing well, because I remind them that they are still
learning the game, and they can’t expect to hit the ball perfectly every time. When I see people getting serious and upset with themselves I ask how their joy factor is. This is usually enough to get them to lighten up and
have a better mental attitude when the next ball comes. For some people however, asking them about their joy factor makes them more uptight, but I will playfully continue to ask them about their emotional state, until they
are able to lighten up. Tennis is, after all, just a recreational activity, so people shouldn’t get too upset. With no competition there is even less reason to get upset. Long-term, joy is essential for peak performance.


For many years great teachers have been emphasizing the importance of concentration and relaxation in achieving peak performance. It is a standard in mental training. Today if we watch any professional sporting event it is as if there are only 3 reasons that people fail; they were not focused, not relaxed, or both.

Teachers are always telling their students to relax but the problem is that, if you have not mastered the skills necessary to be able to relax, then it is impossible to relax in a competitive situation. In competition it feels
like we’ve always got to be “on guard.” It is hard to be relaxed and on guard at the same time. Even though everyone says that our ego and self worth aren’t on the line when we compete, it sure seems like they are. After the contest everyone asks, “who won?” We are supposed to win. Relaxing sounds simple, but under pressure it is very difficult to achieve, especially if you haven’t learned how to do it first in a non-competitive environment.

Top players, like Andre Agassi, seem to be able to maintain relaxed focus on the court in almost any situation.

I have been teaching the importance of relaxation for the last twenty-eight years, but it was not until I removed competition from my program that I realized the enormity of its importance, and eventually how to achieve it. This is one of the most important findings of my research. It took two or three years after removing competition from the program to finally start seeing and feeling how truly relaxed we could be and still perform at our maximum ability. To this day, 10 years after I removed competition, I am still peeling away more layers in my relaxation. It feels so good.

Because of previous experiences with prematurely getting into competition, the vast majority of people are incredibly uptight when performing. Without years of training where there is no competition, it is impossible to
experience true relaxation in a competition. First we must know what complete relaxation feels like in a cooperative environment, because if we can’t relax when there is no pressure, we are not going to be able to relax when there is pressure.

One of the places that it is easy to see if someone is relaxed while they are playing is to observe their facial expressions. If someone’s mouth is contorted, or their tongue is sticking out the side of their cheek, or all their neck muscles are bulging, they are not relaxed. Doing any of these things is not helping make the shot any better. This display of tightness is lowering performance.

Because of everyone’s past experience with competition, it takes time for people to learn how to relax. The tricky part that I’ve found about getting people to relax, is that initially, when they relax, they tend to lose concentration. It is as if it is impossible to concentrate and relax simultaneously. Fortunately this is not the case; it is a matter of acquiring the skill of doing both simultaneously. It seems that people associate relaxing with not having to focus; this is one kind of relaxation, but as in meditation, the concentration we are talking about is a very relaxed state of attention. We are focused yet relaxed. There is a fine balancing line between
focusing and relaxing.

One of the interesting side effects of relaxation is that players are able to hit the ball with tremendous power, while being relaxed. They don’t have to tighten up and “muscle” the ball to get power. With good preparation and mechanics it is possible to hit powerful shots that feel “effortless.” We are using physics to hit the ball. When an object (the ball, weighing a few ounces) is moving toward us at x miles an hour and we put our whole body weight behind it, contacting it at the ideal contact point, at the ideal moment in time, that ball will fly back over the net with great pace. It feels like we have done nothing, yet the power is there. Effortless power.


Concentration is the ability to stay focused on what we need to focus on, no matter what is happening around us. Two of the clearest examples that demonstrate concentration come from observing cats and dogs. If we watch a cat as it tries to get a bird or a mouse, we see its focus is absolute. Nothing will distract it. Likewise with a dog that likes to chase balls. If it is waiting for someone to throw the ball, its complete attention is on that ball. In whatever activity we are participating in, this is the level of concentration we must attain if we are to reach our potential.

Lleyton Hewitt fixates on the ball without allowing any distractions.

In tennis what we need to focus on is the little yellow tennis ball. No matter where it goes or what it is doing, we have to stay focused on it. Concentration is one of the hardest skills to master in tennis. Nobody can focus for us. There is no where else in our life that we have to have so much focus, on such a consistent basis, as we do on a tennis court.

Our minds like to wander from the past to the future, and the challenge is to learn how to stay focused in the present. It is the only moment we have any direct control over. Once that ball hits off our racquet, it is gone and we can’t do anything about it. In tennis we develop our concentration by practicing the different strokes we need to master. While we are learning to master our strokes we are simultaneously developing our ability to stay focused. Here again, we must first be able to stay focused when there is no pressure, no competition, before we can hope to stay focused when there is pressure.

Effortless Tennis is a great way to learn how to improve our concentration and stay focused in the present. After we hit the ball we have between one and four seconds to get ready for the next shot, there is no time to ponder what we just did, or what might happen next. We must stay focused on the ball to know exactly where it is going to land. This is one of the great aspects of the Effortless program. Learning the skill to be able to hit our shot and immediately refocus on the ball as it travels over the net. It is so easy to be analyzing our last shot, whether it felt great or horrible, but in that second or two that we are analyzing, we are not focused on the ball, so we don’t see what is happening.

Once a shot leaves our strings, we can’t do anything about it. Only in the present do we have any control over our shot. Even without competition, developing high levels of concentration is a long-term project. To stay focused on the ball as we run all over the court, and then have only a few seconds to get ready for the next shot, and the next, and the next, is a great challenge. We need to achieve a meditative state while we run around the court. Effortless Tennis is a moving meditation.

Patience, Perseverance, & Self-motivation

These three keys on the Peak Performance list are also life skills. They are important in getting anywhere, no matter what we want to learn or do. All three are challenging to acquire, but essential to achieving peak performance. The dictionary gives the definition of patience as, “an ability to suppress annoyance when confronted with delay.” Everyone has experienced this annoyance with delay on many occasions. Unfortunately, it seems that we have been taught to want everything now, no waiting—instant gratification. Too bad it doesn’t work that way very often. Patience isn’t just a virtue, it is a key to success. Some times things take longer to develop than we want them to, and we must have the patience to persevere.

Perseverance is the ability to stay with something, even when things don’t seem to be going the way that we want. If we are to achieve high level goals though, we have to keep going even when we may want to stop. In a competitive based system, if someone is experiencing repeated failure, it is much easier to get discouraged and give up. One of the major discoveries that I have found from a non-competitive learning system is that there are these natural learning plateaus that everyone goes through, and that a competitive system does not allow us to progress through these plateaus at our own ‘individual’ pace. In a competitive system we must win—now. People are weeded out before they have a chance to develop, before they work through these plateaus.

When we first start an activity we can feel like we are progressing more quickly, but then we get into that first learning plateau around the six month mark, and it doesn’t seem like we are improving as rapidly. When we  first start playing, we do improve faster, but the longer we play, the longer it takes to see additional improvement. If people can stay with the game, then they will see that next jump in improvement at around the one year mark, for some it may take a little longer. After the one year mark, it will be approximately another year until someone will feel that next level of integration. No matter how much we work, it will still take about this time. The more we practice the better, but some of our improvement is just in the length of time we are involved with an activity; there is a lot of information to integrate and it can’t be rushed. Many people have trouble persevering through this first year, they feel like they want to see more improvement faster, but this is not how it works. Learning is cumulative. Everything we do eventually adds up.

Seemingly simple strokes like this forehand can take years to master and go through many plateaus.

The next learning plateau is where we lose most people. That plateau occurs somewhere after the second year and can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on many different factors, mainly how much someone practices. If however, someone can keep with the game through this period, she/he will, after this next leap occurs, be able to feel confident with her/his skills, and enjoy her/his tennis for the rest of their lives. For someone like me who has been playing for so many years, the plateaus are a minimum of five years apart. I feel I am still improving, and every once in a while, I feel things go to another level. Mastery can occur sometime after the 10 year mark.

The premature emphasis on competition doesn’t allow us to go through this natural learning progression. It seems like there are periods where we aren’t improving, but what is happening is that we are integrating the new information we have been learning into our cellular memory. If we don’t continue along the plateau we will never get to the next leap. This is where perseverance comes in. People can’t see and feel the improvement while they are on a plateau, but the work they are doing is essential in order to go to the next level. Once people understand the phenomenon of learning plateaus, it is easier to learn perseverance.

The last of this set of learning modules, and from what I have seen, the most difficult for most people, is self-motivation. It is the key that separates success from failure. People will help encourage us along our journey, but in the end, if we wish to succeed, it is up to each of us to motivate ourselves. No one can force us to do anything. We have to be the ones to get ourselves to put in the time and do the practice. Excellence does not happen through luck or osmosis, it happens through self-motivation. Self-motivation is one of the areas I stress with young people. If I can help them understand the importance of self-motivation and how to get started with it, they will do fine in life.

Although still a formidable challenge no matter what, developing all three of these areas is made easier in a non-competitive environment. Since there is less pressure, people can take their time with the learning process, stay with the process when things don’t seem to be improving, develop the self-motivation to get out and do the work necessary to improve, and not get as easily discouraged.

Cellular Memory

I used to call this key, muscle memory, but decided that cellular memory is the better term. Cellular memory indicates that something is even more deeply ingrained into our being. We humans have two levels to us: on one level we are these amazingly complex beings who have the potential to speak many languages, produce great inventions and create wondrous works of art; on another level however, we are incredibly simple beings. Whatever we repeat over and over, patterns into our cells. This is much like a computer where whatever we put into it is what comes back out. In tennis, every time we swing the racquet and move our body, it leaves an imprint of that action in our cells. It is a chemical reaction that is taking place in our brain and body. Different chemicals react in different combinations to get our muscles to move. Every time that action is repeated it reinforces that chemical imprint. After a certain amount of repetition that action becomes a habit that will repeat automatically. Our body starts doing the movement for us; we don’t have to think about it any more, it just happens. This is why it is so important, from the beginning of our involvement in any activity, to program efficient movements into our cellular memory. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult to make changes and adjustments, because now it is part of our cells; the learning process is made significantly harder. As all of us have found out, unlearning something is much harder than learning it right from the start.

Every time an action is repeated it reinforces a chemical imprint. After a certain amount of repetition the action becomes a habit that will repeat automatically.

A vast majority of the people I have worked with, mostly the adults, have had problems with what they had ingrained into their cellular memories; these memories were limiting their development. Cellular memory has mental and emotional components. If someone experiences anxiety, uncertainty, or fear when they are playing, that reaction is also recorded in their cellular memory. If these emotional reactions are repeated during subsequent play, under similar circumstances, eventually that same emotional reaction is triggered automatically. It is difficult to hit good shots when we are anxious or fearful, especially when that response is happening without our control. Each time another situation comes up where this response happens, it gets burned more deeply into the cellular memory. After a while people get uptight just thinking about a potential situation like the ones that have negatively affected them before. This then leads to avoidance of these type of situations.

Most teachers and students do not understand the overwhelming importance of cellular memory in the learning process. Teaching pros feel that it is ok to let players swing any way they want to, any way that feels natural. I do not wish to stifle anyone’s individual creativity, but from what I have seen, when players have little time to react, they make up movements that are more desperation, than natural. Once these movements are repeated and patterned in, they are part of us, and they will come out under pressure. Teaching efficient technique is essential to peak performance.

Reprogramming old habits is difficult, if not impossible to do in competition because the need to win is paramount. We can learn how to redo less than efficient old habits only in a cooperative learning environment. People with mild to severe learning problems can begin to change to the point where they are able to start learning much more efficiently, and begin making leaps in their development. The non-competitive system allows us to be able to change our cellular memory, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. We need to
start this approach from our earliest days of learning so that these negative responses, which I have experienced frequently myself, and I have seen in most adults, can be prevented from happening to our children.

The good news is that just as bad, or as I like to say “less than optimal” habits are hard to change, so are good ones. We have the ability to ingrain whatever we want. If we pattern efficient movements and positive emotions into our cellular memory from the very beginning, they will be there when we have no time to think, and we will react with what works.

Look for part 2 of Brent Zeller's "Effortless Tennis - Keys to Peak Performance" in an upcoming issue of TennisONE.

Want to hear more about Brent Zeller's revolutionary approach to learning tennis? Check out his other original articles in the TennisONE Lesson Library.

Your comments are welcome. Let us know what you think about Brent's article by emailing us here at TennisONE

Brent Zeller has been involved in sports for over 40 years. He’s been playing tennis for 34 years and played tournament tennis for 18 years.

Brent began teaching in 1974 and joined the USPTA in 1975. He has been teaching in Marin since 1985. Brent has an extensive background in psychology, philosophy, and learning theory.

His evolutionary non-competitive learning system is the only one of its kind. www.effortlesstennis.com

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