OpenACS Getting Started Guide
Roberto Mello
June 2000 - OpenACS 3.2.2 final
This is a guide to help you get started with OpenACS. This is not a
complete guide to OpenACS and its modules... it would be too much.
For detailed documentation on a module, refer to the www/doc directory
in the OpenACS distribution. This guide assumes you have a working
installation of OpenACS.
1 Thinking about your web service
OpenACS is a toolkit for online communities. This is a pretty powerful
concept. If you think that most of the successful websites are community-oriented,
you'll begin to see the power that OpenACS brings to you.
Most people get too focused on how their website is going to look,
rather than thinking what it's going to provide for the users. Looks
are important, but if you don't have content and services well organized,
you can have as much looks as you want. is pretty much all
text-based, but it's fast and provides lots of content to users, or
``magnet content'' as Philip Greenspun calls.
OpenACS has over 40 modules to facilitate collaboration among users.
You need to think which of these modules you can use in your web service
and what's the best way to do it. A complete list of OpenACS modules
is at \protect\url{}.
After you have that planned and defined, you can start worrying about
look and feel. You should also read the Webmasters Guide, which is
at /doc/webmasters.html.
Refer to Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing \protect\url{http:/}
for more info on how to build great web services.
2 OpenACS Basics
2.1 Admin pages are your friends
For most of the OpenACS modules, you can configure them through the
admin pages, accessible through /admin from any browser. You must
be registered as a site-wide administrator to access those pages (refer
to the installation guide to know how to do that).
By visiting the /admin pages, you'll have most of the modules in front
of you, and you'll have the opportunity to set them up. This is a
great way to explore the possibilities that OpenACS opens to you.
If you see a module that you don't understand how to setup, just visit
the /doc directory to learn how that module works and what it's intended
to do.
For the ecommerce module, type in /admin/ecommerce to be taken to its
admin pages.
2.2 Content Sections
URL: /admin/content-sections
The content sections module allows you to add a ``section'' of the
website, static or dynamic, to the users' ``Workspace'' and tell if
that's publicly available or only to registered users, plus provide
an introduction and help to the users.
2.3 User Groups
URL: /admin/ug
User groups are a great feature of OpenACS and gives you lots of flexibility.
Unfortunately, as of this release, not all modules are user groups-ready,
but that should change with OpenACS 4 (coming this summer).
There are User Group Types and User Groups. One user group type can
have several user groups, which in turn can have several subgroups.
Each user group can have modules associated with it, that members
of that group will be able to use and that will be specific to that
For example, in the USU Free Software and GNU/Linux Club we had several
projects that were being carried by club members and we wanted to
provide a way for them to collaborate. Something besides mailing lists.
So we created a group type called projects and several groups inside
it, one for each project. Each group had an administrator assigned
to it, who had control over that group and that could create subgroups
if he/she thought necessary. OpenACS provides group pages, all ready,
in /groups.
There's much power in user groups and I highly recommed you to read
the documentation about it on /doc/ug.
3 Look and feel
There's quite a bit of information about this on Establishing Style
and Supporting Multi-Lingualism at /doc/style.html.
Basically you have four ways of modifying the look and feel of your
OpenACS website:
1. Editing ad_header and ad_footer
2. Customized ADP tags
3. Templates
4. Karl's Dynamic Publishing System([footnote] Not included in OpenACS
but available from
3.1 Editing ad_header and ad_footer
Almost all of the tcl pages shipped with OpenACS make calls o ad_header
and ad_footer, two procedures defined in tcl/ad-defs.tcl.preload
ad_header returns the initial HTML tags and title to the page, and
optionally returns extra stuff for the
. This is its usage:
ad_header page_title { extra_stuff_for_document_head "" }
ad_footer stuff an
and a e-mail signature (defaults to system
owner) and then it closes the body and html tags. Its usage is:
ad_footer { signatory "" } { suppress_curriculum_bar_p "0" }
For example, you'd call them from an adp page like this:
<%= [ad_header ``My First OpenACS Page''] %>
<%= [ad_footer ``''] %>
The ``<%='' means ``evaluate this and then return as a ns_puts''. The
above would return a page with the title ``My First OpenACS page''
and an e-mail signature in the bottom saying ``''.
Ths disadvantages of this approach is that it's very limited and requires
restarting AOLserver for changes in the ad-defs file to take effect.
3.2 Customized ADP tags
OpenACS has some utility procedures to help you. One of them is ad_register_styletag
(defined in tcl/ad-style.tcl).
With ad_register_styletag you can register a tag can will be available
for use under ADP and TCL pages. It will also register documentation
for that tag through the proc_doc OpenACS procedure.
Usually what I do is rename the file tcl/photonet-styles.tcl to tcl/myservice-styles.tcl
and then edit it. In that file I define some tags like ``pagetop'',
``pagebottom'', ``pageside''. Then I call these tags from ADP pages
just like regular HTML tags (e.g. ). From .tcl
pages, you'd call these tags through ``ad_style_pagetop'' (or [ad_style_pagetop]
if you are calling it from inside a ns_write).
ad_register_styletag used the AOLserver API call to ns_register_adptag,
which will give you more flexibility on defining your tags (e.g. you
can define tags that take arguments). Read the documentation for ns_register_adptag
for more info.
Although this approach is more flexible, it also requires you to restart
AOLserver to make changes.
3.3 Templates
Templates are very flexible and do not require an AOLserver restart.
You can find full documentation on this at /doc/style.html.
Basically, if you have a .tcl page that has the Tcl and SQL code in
/test/mypage.tcl, you have this page call ad_return_template at its
bottom. ad_return_template will search for an .adp template at /templates/test/mypage.*.adp
and return it.
You can have several templates with different interfaces or even languages,
such as mypage.plain.adp (for users than want text-only) or mypage.fancy.adp
(for users that want graphical site) or (for users
that speak Portuguese). ad_return_template will server the page according
to the user's preferences.
This means that programmers will edit the .tcl pages and define some
variables that HTML designers will then use in the the .adp templates
they will handle. If I am not mistaken, there are mods for Dreamweaver
to handle adp pages.
Unfortunately, because the templating module is fairly new, only a
few modules are template-enabled, ecommerce being one of them.
3.4 Karl's Dynamic Publishing System
Karl Goldstein, who works for ArsDigita Corp., is working on a very
powerful publishing system that was included in ACS/Oracle 3.2.3.
You can download this module and get it working on your OpenACS installation
(this is not included with OpenACS).
This modules uses XML and defines som special tags that completely
separates programming from presentation. People that have been using
it told me that it's really nice.
The URL for download and documentation is \protect\url{}.
4 Backups tips from Don Baccus
4.1 The Strategy
The need for making backups should be self-explanatory. There are several
strategies you can use. My own strategy for minimizing the odds that
I'll lose all my data is quite simple:
* The database is stored on a mirrored (RAID 1) disk.
* The machine has battery backup.
* Backups are made nightly onto a third disk on another controller
* ftp is used to copy the resulting backup to two separate remote servers
in two locations
Rather than making remote copies, you might choose to dump to tape
or writeable CD media. Whatever strategy you use, it is important
to routinely check dumps to make sure they can be reloaded. The strategy
outlined above means that in the case of catastrophic failure, I'll
lose at most one day's data.
By mirroring disks and using a battery backup, preferably one that
can trigger an automatic and controlled shutdown of the system when
the battery runs low, you greatly lower the odds of ever having to
use your nightly backup. Despite this, it is important to take backups
seriously if the data stored at your site is valuable to you or your
It is also important that you use the Postgres dump utility, pg_dump,
rather than simply copy the files in the database directory unless
you stop the Postmaster while making your copy. If you copy the files
while the Postmaster is running and updates to the database are being
made, you'll end up with inconsistent tables and a potentially unusable
database. pg_dump makes a consistent dump even when the database is
in use.
I find it convenient to use AOLserver's schedule proc routine to run
a Tcl script which generates my nightly backups, rather than use cron.
The major benefit is that you can very easily make a web page that
calls this script, and link to it from an admin page. If there are
problems making your backups (connectivity problems seem to crop up
a few times a year, in my experience), you can just click on the link
to force a backup with no need to remember where you placed the script,
what you called it, any arguments that might be needed, etc.
4.2 The ``vacuum analyze'' command
Currently, Postgres doesn't automatically reclaim space in a database
table when an existing row is deleted or updated.
The "vacuum" command must be run periodically to reclaim space. The
"vacuum analyze" form additionally collects statistics on the disbursion
of columns in the database, which the optimizer uses when it calculates
just how to execute queries. The availability of this data can make
a tremendous difference in the execution speed of queries. I run this
command as part of my nightly backup procedure - if "vacuum" is going
to screw up my database, I'd prefer it to happen immediately after
(not before!) I've made a backup! The "vacuum" command is very reliable,
and has never caused me a problem, but conservatism is the key to
good system management.
4.3 Sample Tcl script
Here's a sample script based on the one used to back up the database
backing my most important personal site, "". If you're
wondering why this procedure doesn't backup the scripts for the site
as well, it is because they're developed on a local machine, which
is backed up separately.
# Back up the database, scheduled to be run nightly. As written, it
# keeps a month's worth of daily backups, cycling over the same files
# which are suffixed with the day of the month on which the backup
# created.
# This version: ftp only.
# NOTE: The indenting gets screwed up during conversion to HTML
proc backup {} {
# Set these to the appropriate values for your installation.
set b "/usr/local/pgsql/bin"
set bak "/home/birdnotes_backup/"
set db [ns_db gethandle]
set sql "select date_part('day','today'::date) as day"
set selection [ns_db 1row $db $sql]
set data "birdnotes_$day.dmp"
ns_log Notice "Backup of [ad_system_name] starting."
ns_log Notice "pg_dump beginning..."
if [catch {append msg [exec "$b/pg_dump" "birdnotes" ">$bak/$data"]}
errmsg] {
ns_log Error "pg_dump failed: $errmsg"
ns_sendmail [ad_system_owner] [ad_system_owner] "[ad_system_name]
: pg_dump failed..." "$errmsg"
ns_db releasehandle $db
append msg "\n"
ns_log Notice "gzip of data beginning..."
if [catch {append msg [exec "gzip" "-f" "$bak/$data"]} errmsg] {
ns_log Error "gzip of data failed: $errmsg"
ns_sendmail [ad_system_owner] [ad_system_owner] "[ad_system_name]
: gzip of data failed..." "$errmsg"
ns_db releasehandle $db
append msg "\n"
ns_log Notice "ftp data beginning..."
set fd [open "$bak/ftp_data.tmp" w]
# Replace "your_username", "your_password", and "your_remotedir" with
the values
# appropriate for the remote system on which you're keeping backup
puts $fd "user your_username your_password\nbinary\nput $bak/$data.gz
close $fd
# "your_remoteserver" should be set to the IP of the remote system
which stores your # backups.
if [catch {append msg [exec "ftp" "-n" "your_remoteserver" "<$bak/ftp_data.tmp"]}
errmsg] { \
ns_log Error "ftp data failed: $errmsg"
ns_sendmail [ad_system_owner] [ad_system_owner] "[ad_system_name]
: ftp data failed..." "$errmsg"
ns_db releasehandle $db
append msg "\n"
# Replicate the above code to make remote copies to other systems
ns_log Notice "vacuum beginning..."
if [catch {append msg [exec "$b/psql" "-q" "-c" "vacuum analyze"]}
errmsg] {
ns_log Error "vacuum failed: $errmsg"
ns_sendmail [ad_system_owner] [ad_system_owner] "[ad_system_name]
: vacuum failed..." "$errmsg"
ns_db releasehandle $db return
ns_db releasehandle $db
ns_log Notice "Backup succeeded."
append msg "Backups succeeded"
ns_sendmail [ad_system_owner] [ad_system_owner] "[ad_system_name]
: backup succeeded" "$msg
ns_share -init {set schedule_backup 0} schedule_backup
if {!$schedule_backup} {
ns_schedule_daily 0 backup
ns_log Notice "Backup has been scheduled."