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The Ten Most Common Doubles Errors

by Jim McLennan, TennisONE Senior Editor

Part Seven: The Closest Volleyer Not Taking the Ball

The best volley strategy is to play close-to-close, hitting down at the opposing net person's feet. However, that works best when you are relatively close to the net and are volleying from above the level of the net.

When you're forced to volley from the service line, you're volleying from below the level of the net, and you must play close-to-deep, trying to keep the ball away from the opponent at the net, hoping to volley the next shot from a better position.

In the photo below, we see the net person making one of the most common doubles errors: not taking the easy volley and making his partner play the hard volley. Here the net person, even though he is closer to the net and definitely in a position to make contact above the level of the net, has elected not to volley. Having made this decision, his partner at the service line will be forced to hit up from the half-volley position.

What's the easy way to remember to avoid making this common doubles error? Just remember, winning doubles teams volley high-to-low. Losing doubles teams volley low-to-high. Remedy? Whenever possible, cut off all balls at the net that would force your partner to hit a low volley at the service line.

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