TennisOne Lessons

What to Bring in Your Court Bag

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By Mike Whittington, TennisONE Contributing Editor

Let's Get Ready to Rumble!

It's the semifinals of the club championship and you are facing your usual Saturday morning opponent. You've played him a thousand times and know his every move and shot. You've taken all the lessons, read all the TennisONE tips, and watched every televised match so you couldn't be more prepared, right?

One thing you don't want to overlook is your court bag. That's right --the little things you take on the court can make a big difference in a tough match. Have you ever wondered what the tour players take on the court? I bet there are things you should have in your bag the pros always take on the court. Let me give you a few items to consider and see if there is a time when you could really use them.

  1. Cap--you never know when the sun will be out or that bad hair day needs to be controlled.

  2. Towel--to wipe your sweaty brow.

  3. Extra grip tape--a dry grip is a good grip and can feel great when the palms tend to sweat a little more.

  4. Extra t-shirt--a sweat soaked shirt can feel like a million pounds.

  5. Fresh socks--you'll feel like a new person.

  6. Sunglasses--only if you've practiced in them.

  7. Water--if the club cooler runs out are you prepared?

  8. Sweatbands/Headbands--same as towel.

  9. Light snack--a nice pick up between sets or a changeover.

  10. Note pad and pen--to record the names and numbers of the people you just beat!

This is just a sampling of some items that can help you feel a little less stressed when walking on the court. What do you keep in your bag? E-mail me your ideas on things to put in your on court bag. Oh yeah, don't forget your racquets

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