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Theories of the Game: Part 11
The Visual Tennis AlternativeRole of the Hitting Arm Position:
Underspin Backhand Volley
By John Yandell
Go to Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 of the Visual Tennis Series on TennisONE
In the Visual Tennis system a player can learn to hit underspin naturally and automatically on the backhand by making a single change in the position of the hitting arm compared to the basic flat backhand. As with all Visual Tennis strokes, the goal when hitting an underspin backhand volley is to reduce the number of core elements to the absolute minimum, and to convey them via imagery, which a player can actually use on the court.
In the Ready Position, the player waits with a continental grip, which allows him to hit underspin off either side. The basic open "U" shape as demonstrated in the article on the flat backhand volley remains internally the same. The forearm is parallel to the court and the racket and upper arm are at about 45 degrees to the forearm. The only difference is the entire "U" is tilted backwards as a unit, opening the racket face to the court surface about 30 to 45 degrees.
Like the flat volley, the preparation or turn is achieved through a unit turn: a shoulder turn and a step sideways with the left foot. As the turn begins the hitting arm is rolled slightly backwards (or from right to left) until the racket face is open 30 to 45 degrees. This open racket head position is set at the completion of the turn.
From this position, the open "U" will move forward as a unit from the shoulder. At contact, the open racket face will generate underspin naturally as it moves through the line of the shot. The internal position of the hitting arm remains unchanged. The contact point should be a foot to a foot and a half in front of the plane of the body.
As with other underspin shots, visualize the racket face as a knife blade and the ball as an orange. As the racket moves through the line of the shot, the knife slices into the orange, cutting off the diagonal back third. This generates
underspin or slice.
Watch in the animation how the angle of the racket face creates underspin naturally The result: controlled power and winning placements.
Below, the underspin backhand volley is broken down into 4 key positions with specific checkpoints. For each position, establish the checkpoints physically. Now close your eyes and create an internal mental image of how the position looks inside your minds eye, and especially how it feels.
Execute the entire swing pattern with your eyes closed. Let your internal imagery and feeling for the checkpoints guide the motion. Practice in front of a mirror and compare the motion to the checkpoints until you can execute it naturally and automatically. Focus on the image correct hitting arm position, and on the image of the open racket face moving forward through the shot.
These internal mental images will function as keys in match play. The process of visualizing a key image can occur in the split second in which a tennis player actually execute his shots, particularly at the net, where the exchanges are so much faster than off the ground.
Start in a controlled drill situation with an easy feed from a partner, teaching pro or, if possible, a ball machine, and work up to more difficult balls. Using these images will give you a way to produce high level underspin backhand volleys even under competitive pressure.
A good balanced ready position is critical at the net. Note the tip of the racket is even with the top of the head, and the elbows are relaxed and slightly bent. The feet are a little wider than shoulder width and the knees are flexed. For the underspin volleys, the player begins with the continental grip in the ready position.
This is the underspin backhand volley hitting arm position at the completion of the preparation, or turn. The preparation has been completed by a step to the left with the left foot, and the rotation of the shoulders. The shoulders are turned square to the net. The hitting arm is in the open "U" position, with the "U" rotated or tilted backwards as a unit to open the racket face. The edge of the racket is roughly even with the edge of the front right shoulder, with the face of the racket open about 30 to 45 degrees to the court. There is no independent backswing motion in the hitting arm.
The player has stepped forward into the line of the shot with the right, front foot. The hitting arm has moved forward as a unit from the shoulder. Internally, the hitting arm position is unchanged. The open racket head will now impart natural underspin or slice as it moves through the line of the shot. Contact is well in front of the body, it is the key to generating pace as well as spin.
The finish of the underspin backhand volley is identical to the flat volley, except for the angle of the racket face. The open "U" has continued to move forward and slightly around as a unit, so the butt of the racket finishes just past the edge of the right front leg. The racket face is still open. The hitting arm position has thus remained unchanged throughout the course of the motion.
Once again, watch in the animation how the angle of the racket face creates underspin naturally.
Last Updated 9/1/98. To contact us, please email to: webmaster@tennisone.com
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